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Happy New Month!!

It’s the tenth month of the year and the start of the fourth and final quarter of 2024. It’s a good time as any to reintroduce ourselves!

Fanisi Creations is a venture whose vision is to create a community where creativity is nurtured and explored to promote transformation. Our mission is to provide an environment where content creators are nurtured, to promote, inspire and encourage a reading culture in our community.

What’s our story? We have been very passionate about all things books and the processes around them, both before and after press. We know that books are a vital conduit for the transmission of knowledge. Beyond books, however, we strongly believe that learning, any kind of learning for that matter, can be, and should be fun.

Many of us would remember a song we heard a few years back: ‘Someni vijana, muongeze pia bidi, mwisho wa kusoma, mtapata kazi nzuri sana’. (Study hard young ones, and be diligent, for after you are done with school, you will get a very good job) Ring a bell? There are so many layers to this song that can be unpacked, but let’s focus on just one. While education is critical, and should not be downplayed, it is important to note that the goal of education is not entirely to get a good job – though it contributes towards that. In essence, learning should be a life long journey, not just an academic pursuit as an end in itself. And so Fanisi Creations actively seeks to find ways that facilitate learning in a fun way, particularly for young learners, so that it becomes a lifestyle.

To this end, we have been able to publish two children’s titles – Where Did the World Come From, and the latest entrant, The Fun Animal Puzzle Book. Where Did the World Come From is a children’s Bible story book that is appropriate for ages 5 to 10. It’s a feast for the eyes and narrates the Biblical creation story in a fun way, that is relatable to children. It also allows them to interact and apply the content through activities like drawing, puzzle and maze activities, as well as ‘creating’ their own world through locally available materials. Our Fun Animal Puzzle Book is yet another delightful book that will have the children enjoying the learning journey while acquiring knowledge in the process. It was created along with an amazing Animal Trivia Game. This is a pack of 108 cards with fun facts about animals, which will have the entire family laughing, discovering new things about animals, and bonding in the process, as they play together. The trivia card game is wholesome family entertainment that is perfect while on the go, for game nights and camp nights, as well as bonding sessions with friends and relatives.

We have also had the privilege of working with young authors in publishing their books. So far, we have three books, The Surprise Puppies authored by Ryan Kiamba when he was 9, Triplet Tales authored by Jason, Jeremy and Julie, triplet siblings who authored it at age 10, and Silver Shadow Saves the Town, authored by Liam Kiamba, who wrote it when he was 11 years. It has been an amazing journey watching these children tell the world their stories at such a young age! We’ll have to share another post to tell you all about it.

What can you expect from us going forward? We are intentional about making learning fun, and intentionally supporting young talent to thrive as we promote their creativity. Expect us to roll out more books soon, and engage in more activities in the days ahead that will reflect our vision and our mission. In fact, we cannot wait to reveal the next set of young authors who have written their stories and are ready to get published – we are very excited about their books.

A lot is cooking already, and we can’t wait to share it all with you, so stay tuned!

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